#9 Croatia again, Bosnia and Herzegovina again

In the hostel in Gradiška was only the Rick from the USA, who has already made several rides on the bike. My English, well, I know it will get better in the next weeks and months 🙂

I found it interesting that he travels with 10 kg of luggage, keeping everything to a minimum, while I have about 25 kg.
But everyone has different requirements, because these 25 kg are my home for the next months or even years. So why should I have to do without my bathrobe and pyjamas? Of course it was a joke, but I cook, camp wildly, I need more clothes, a computer (over 3 kg), etc… It’s just my home for a long time. Read More

#8 Croatia and a little Bosnia and Herzegovina

First impression of Croatia: The streets are lighter! Fun at the side, the first kilometres already showed some differences. I rather drove through hardly used side roads and saw no more pine trees, the rocks looked brighter, it was not so extremely green, rather brighter. Could be the difference in altitude. Of course there were a lot of birds and insects, also reptiles were back.

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