Our fundraising campaign in the Philippines

We collected donations in a small circle and actually got an incredible 600 dollars. From this we were able to put together food for over 100 families (3 kg of rice per family, noodles, sauces, sugar, soap, etc).

We really spent 100% of the money just for the people, additional costs we paid out of our own pocket.
We personally distributed to the really poorest families in a mountain village, who currently have hardly any money for food. One reason for this is that there is no harvest at the moment and the people are dependent on the work on the fields.
Some people live in a house of barely 30 square meters, where the doors are sometimes only hanging on a string and only the most necessary things are to be found.

It was a lot of work, but it was definitely worth it. The people were very grateful, some were so surprised that they did not know what was happening. After all, there was no advance notice.

I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL THE HELPERS WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE. Every small contribution was really helpful for the people. It is no help for the long term, but at least for the moment the people are very grateful for it.

If you want to donate in the future, here is the link to my bank and PayPal data: https://lukasadrian.net/?page_id=82&lang=en

All pictures in my gallery: Gallery

4 thoughts to “Our fundraising campaign in the Philippines”

  1. Hi Lukas,
    Eigentlich wolte ich gerade nur mal kurz schauen wo Du gerade steckst und ob Du wiedermal auf Tour bist. Ich bin aber sehr beeindruckt was Du da gerade machst, auch meinen Respekt.
    Bin zwar wie immer Dauerpleite, aber ich glaube ich muß da wohl mal noch Werbung für deine tolle Aktion zB. im Forum machen.

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